For a LONG overdue post, I mentioned in the previous one that I was gonna be making a new comic in place of YAFC. This journal will detail some info on that comic.
For starters, the comic is called Nightlife and deals with Ferris Nexx, a 24 year old vampire bat who has moved far away from his parents into a major city (not any real life city, but based heavily off NYC). The comic deals with having to adjust to living in a big city and the inner dynamics of him as a person, along with his social and romantic life.
Secondly, as stated, it takes place in a big city, and it takes place entirely at night (because Ferris is nocturnal, because he's, y'know, a bat).
Thirdly, the comic is (like just about everything else I've done) not for kids, as it's full of swearing, mature themes, violence, and sexual references. But since this is the internet kids will read it anyways. Oh well.
Lastly, I'll attempt to give it a proper schedule instead of comics just being released sporadically. Current goal is 1-2 comics per week starting in July.